Term 1

In Grade 1, students are provided with numerous engaging opportunities to enrich their learning at Regency Park.

In Reading, students are continuing to develop their decoding and comprehension skills through modeled, shared and guided reading, and fun activities in Literacy Groups.

Our Grade 1 students participate in our Reading Rocks Program with their Grade 4 buddies.

Throughout the year, students develop the skills to write many different types of texts such as narratives, recounts, procedures and information reports. There is also a strong focus on letter formation and spelling.

There continues to be a strong focus on place value, counting and simple addition and subtraction strategies. In addition to this, students learn to understand the concept of measurement, shapes, chance and collect data to make graphs.

For 2025, our Inquiry program covers the areas of community, sustainability, celebrating differences and design.

This year, we have begun ELO - Extended Learning Opportunities where students choose an activity of interest and spend one hour a week participating in these lessons. Such activities include: Lego Design, Technology, Scintillating Science, Cultural Countries, Cross-Stitching, Fitness and Art.

Regency Park is also fortunate enough to provide support in the areas of Literacy through our wonderful Reading Program. 

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